☆グラスリッツェンの歴史 16世紀頃のヨーロッパで、ガラスにレース模様を装飾する目的で始められたと言われ、その繊細な美しさに魅了され上流階級で流行。その後ヨーロッパ各地に広まりました。 しかし、全て手彫りという繊細な技術ゆえに大量生産が難しく、あまり世の中に出回ることもなくその後衰退していきました。
近年、技術の向上で質の良い針が作られてから、手軽に出来る工芸になりました。 このグラスリッツェンという技術は日本人の手先の器用さ根気のある気質に向いているもので、とても楽しめる工芸となっています。
Around 16th century in Europe,it had been said that this craft was originally started as a way of decorating the surface of glasses with lace patterns. The beauty of this fine art attracted many aristocrats in Europe and its popularity spread all over the continent.
However, because each one of the works needed to be handmade with a delicate skill, it was difficult for the mass production. Therefore this craftsmanship disappeared without being carried on to the next generation or prevailing broadly.
In recent years, the improving technology had created needles with a better quality for the work, which made Glasritzen available for easy hobby to anyone. This craftsmanship is suited for Japanese people who are known to have deft fingers and to be patient with a delicate work. Now it has become a great craftwork which anyone can enjoy anytime in Japan .